Saturday, July 14, 2007

Knitting in July

I just finished Mister and Mistress Slave's baby blanket.

They are expecting a little litigator in December. Since I had just inherited from ICON a bag of Sugar and Cream cotton in a whole bunch of colors, and I'm trying desparately to diminish my stash of string, I decided to knit up the multicolor baby blanket. It's all cotton, so they don't have to worry about keeping it pristine. In fact, I am giving them instructions to trash the thing. It's not an heirloom piece. It's for baby slobber, puke and other. Get it dirty and toss it in the wash. Both for sopping up and for keeping warm, but not in that order.

Plus, perhaps it will make up for some of my cutting remarks on the train about Mistress Slave's wardrobe.

Garter stitch 150 Stiches across until I ran out of the color and then (shame on me) I knotted a new color on and kept going. I'm satisfied with how it came out.

Then I washed it. Crap, some of the orange bled into a lighter color. Oh well. Like I said, it's NOT an heirloom piece.

The Irish Hiking Scarf is getting picked up again. I put it aside to finish the beer hats and the baby blanket.

Since I'm using crappy acryllic to finish up my stash - before buying that FABULOUS ultra soft baby alpaca in the burning maple colors I love - I ran out of the turquoise and continued with yellow.

Silly me. I thought I'd be creative and meld one color into another along the cabled pattern. I won't do that again. And guess what? The yellow is a little bit thicker than the blue.

I have no doubt that someone will say IT'S BEAUTIFUL, MAKE ME ONE. I'll simply say FU and maybe give them this one.

In other news, I just got turned on to Elizabeth Zimmerman (dead, you know). I love her writing style and the way she explains knitting is simply wonderful. Now I'm eager to start a seamless sweater.

And ICON just sent me a link saying

"You might be interested in his Elizabeth Zimmerman "Tomten" jacket--this guy is a fantastic--and analytical--knitter with a great interest in adapting patterns, problem solving...and worships at the Altar of Zimmerman.
Plus, I can totally see you with a jacket like this."

Brooklyn Tweed

Click on the link...I can see me in that too. I WANT ONE.

Gotta get the books one day - I want that Tomten pattern.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Look at you, posting on your knitting blog! Your baby blanket looks pretty cute. I like the varigated colors. You should definitely make that sweater for yourself, and then... make me one! :)

(see... still a pushy bitch!)