Monday, March 17, 2008

Sweater DONE

Okay from now on it's chunky weight and big needles. This size 7 stuff really detracts from that whole instant gratification thing.

Here's my first attempt at the Cobblestone sweater from Brooklyn Tweed. I really enjoy his stuff. Male knitter, making things that males like. None of that froo froo shtuff you find in the girly knit for boyfriend magazines.

I had one complete freak out when I bound off the collar. I couldn't get my head through it! So I frogged that part, then pulled out a size 12 needle and bound off with that instead. Yay! My fat head fit no problem.

It changes color at the 'add the sleeve' step.

My next attempt will be socks. Can any of you point me in the direction of beginner socks for men, size 10? (Ladies size 12 if you must know.)


Coleen said...

Yay! it's gorgeous! Sock patterns - look here:

hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

You look like Wesley Crusher from Star Trek the Next Generation!

Just-Chuck said...

Yep, I thought it would look a little Trekky.

But you're such a geek to make the first reference to Star Trek, Frat Boy!

Lars said...

looking good!